Map and Directions

Getting to the area by air

There are many inexpensive flights to local airports. Beziers Cap d’Agde is about 30 minutes, Montpellier, Carcassonne and Perpignan are all approximately an hour’s drive away. Nimes, Marseille and Toulouse further. Car hire is available at all the airports, as well as at Beziers and Narbonne railway stations – but you are advised to book your car in advance of travel.

By road – via Beziers

The A9 Lyon / Barcelona
Take the “Béziers Ouest” junction 36 exit, then take the D612 north west to Saint Chinian.

The A75 Paris / Béziers via Clermont-Ferrand
The RN 113 Arles / Narbonne

Getting to Beziers by train

From Paris, TGV to Béziers (5 per day)
TALGO Barcelona / Béziers / Geneva (2 per day)
We accept no responsibility for issues related to travel to or from this holiday property.